
With the ever-changing digital world, virtual learning platforms have become important not only for individual development but also professional development. We-Are-Virtual.Com is one such meaningful initiative, the social enterprise arm of WeAreTheCity. The health crisis created by COVID-19 accelerated the digital transformation so that working remotely is now a global trend. That little game has now grown into providing the world with online courses for learning anything and everything.

What is We-Are-Virtual.Com?

We-Are-Virtual.Com offers a comprehensive library of webinars and upcoming virtual events designed to facilitate continued education. They are nothing like your traditional webinars as they barely have any sales pitch. Instead, they provide useful content on many topics from personal branding to overcoming imposter syndrome. The mission of the platform is to ‘Pay it forward’ so that anybody can learn from free educational content and create an inclusive learning environment.

The Benefits of Virtual Learning

Another benefit that We-Are-Virtual comes with is the flexibility. No reason for you to complain about work commitments as all webinars are recorded and saved on the platform. There is an aim to cater the busy individuals from different sectors by taking this approach.

In addition, the platform has created a robust community of its products. The learning experience is diversified with more than 70 speakers and experts sharing their knowledge. The resulting shift from individuation towards collaboration, not only increases the quality of content but also has an impact upon a learner’s sense of community.

Why We-Are-Virtual Stands Out

We-Are-Virtual.com is a mainstay for any student, CliffsNotes distinguishes themselves by their commitment to accessibility and quality. Our platform — not only does it create informative content, but also actionable that allows everyone to easily apply a toolkit within their personal and professional lives. The website has a nice design and is user-friendly, allowing users to easily go through the topics in different categories and getting their hands on available resources.

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What with the world making this switch to remote work and virtual collaboration platforms like We-Are-Virtual.Com. As others are beginning to point out, websites like this. Creating a flexible, accessible and high quality learning environment that is able to cater for this global audience. Been thinking of upskilling, keeping in touch with the industry or just learning something new — maybe We-Are-Virtual has a piece for you to help reach your goal