Biological research, especially in the case of live cells, requires counting them. Classic manual counting with hemocytometer was conventionally used. Today, however it is a different story and this has all changed thanks to the advancements of technology that had appeared in our mechanical world of pipes and plates formulating automated solutions with environments safer, more accurate, efficient as well as reproducible. Automation of cell counting with tools like the Corning Cell Counter and other platforms can be secured via Axion BioSystems product line, comprising both software implementations as well as specialized hardware options. In this blog post, we shed some light on the function of Axion Cell Count Software and how it can be integrated with Chrome for smooth workflow optimization.

Introduction to Axion’s Cell Count Software

Axion BioSystems is an industry-leading bioscience technology company, offering tools to enable live-cell assay work for the research community. The cell count software, which is universal for various high throughput counting plate platforms such as Corning Cell Counter and Exact FL™ consisting of accurate pipette tips with user-friendly interface for different works on cells & organoids. Throughout our software, researchers are able to get quick and consistent results in their research on cells with minimum user variability resulting from the manual process.

Key Features of Axion Cell Count Software

Cell Counting: Axion provides a deep-learning based cell counting software enabling the measurement of automated, concentration and viability reads with size distribution This process provides a more accurate method to quantify cells or organoids as opposed to manual quantification.

Live-cell comparison: Live cell capture allows you to look instantly at processes like cellular growth and death.

Flexibility: The software is optimized to work with both 2D and 3D cell cultures, making it capable of processing traditional cell suspensions alongside more complex organoid structures.

Benefits of Automated Cell Counting

Automated cell counting is a clear step forward for scientific research compared to traditional manual methods on account of the many advantages it offers, such as.

Saves Time: Automated systems, such as the one employed by Axion Biosystems allow researchers to spend less time on monotonous manual counting and more time working on other research aspects.

Advanced algorithms: greatly diminished variability in the event of human error, ensuring consistent results between users and laboratories.

Applications: e.g. viability (Trypan Blue), organoid size distribution, confluency monitoring — only Axion software with this specificity.

Chrome Integration for Workflow Enhancement

Axion has been a best-of-breed provider in its use of cloud technologies to power enterprise software. Even though the software is installed on Windows, web browsers like Chrome enable integration for cloud connectivity and real-time data storage /analysis. How Chrome Integration Changes Everything

  1. Axion’s Cloud-Based Matching: Axion has software that allows the matching of images and data to be uploaded on a Chrome browser into its cloud-based portal. Users benefit from seamless access to results independent of any physical storage, and the distribution of experiments in data science jobs can now be easily shared between locations.
  2. Online tools for Real-time Analysis: Axion Data Services can be used to do much more heavy lifting in-browser, by allowing researchers perform deep analysis right within their Chrome browser without requiring any manual file exports. The software is updated in real-time so researchers can follow live experiments, as well as change variables if necessary.
  3. Cross Platform: We can use chrome extensions on different machines and it is compatible with Chrome. And researchers can instantly jump to their data and analytic tools (no matter if they are on a lab desktop or a remote laptop).

Applications in Biological Research

In addition, cell count software from Axion is also a versatile solution for other fields, such as cancer research or stem cell studies to assist in determining proliferation rates; immunology and subsequent drug discovery by identifying inflammatory cells within conditions; and neurology bioinformatics. Some important applications where the software is used are as mentioned below:

Cancer Research: Automation of cell counting is an essential step in quantifying the effects of various therapies on cancer. Researchers could track the viability and deaths of cancer cells as they occur in real time to measure how effective an experimental treatment may be.

Stem Cell Studies: Proliferation and differentiation of Stem cells are hard to track manually. Axion’s automated solutions present real-time, long-term tracking of how stem cells are behaving over time and can therefore assist in more extensive studies into cell growth and development.

Neural Profiling: With advanced image analysis functionality, the software is specially useful for tracing neural cells. From characterizing neural development to investigating cerebral organoids, Axion’s technology allows for precise studies.

Advantages of Using Chrome with Axion’s Software

In Axion, the implementation of Chrome makes more sense when it comes to data management. There are many benefits, some of the key advantages include:

Effortless User Experience: Chrome’s easy-to-use UI plays a critical role in coupling Axion’s cloud portal with the user, fostering an overall sense of permutation. We browse a lot of data sets, use different tools for accessing them and communications with peers — Chrome is well-designed for that.

Cross-device Functionality: Since Chrome works across multiple devices, this facilitates collaboration among researchers. This allows a team member in some other part of the globe to access that same data set at the next moment, which can inherently simplify collaborations and research projects collectively.

Security: Chrome helps to comply with strong security protocols; it’s a secure way of transferring & storage sensitive research data.

Future of Automated Cell Counting and Web Integration

With each technological advancement the dependence on automation and cloud-based solutions will increase. One provider at the leading edge of this trend is Axion BioSystems, whose cell count software combined with Chrome web browser functionality enables more efficient research workflows. Future updates will probably concentrate on refining the deep-learning algorithms that run in the software, as well stretching out to cover more cellular and tissue analyses.

Also Read: Single Source Technologies: Streamlining Ops. in Digital Age


The software for cell counting developed by Axion is a major step in the automated revolution of performing cell count techniques. The integration with Chrome offers a powerful, cloud-based solution for storing and analyzing biological data. Through the use of deep-learning algorithms and real-time analysis tools, New Jersey-based startup Axion is helping to change how scientists conduct their cell studies — bringing not only greater accuracy but reproducibility efficiency too. If you need automation with the highest level of compatibility and minimal human errors, then Axion is definitely a good candidate for labs trying to streamline their workflows.